Blog Feature in Pressbooks?

I noticed in the settings in Pressbooks that there is an option to enable web annotations on blog pages. However, I wasn’t aware of any blog feature within Pressbooks. I also don’t see any related videos on the Pressbooks YouTube channel. Is there a blog feature I’m just overlooking?

Pressbooks is built on Wordpress, and the Hypothesis plugin includes some default fields for Wordpress sites (most commonly used for blogging). Pressbooks is of course used for publishing OERs and books rather than blogging, so these features don’t exist in quite the same way. With your book in Pressbooks, the most helpful settings to allow annotations will be: front page (book homepage), parts, chapters, front matter, back matter, and glossary. The “Allow on blog page” setting in Hypothesis won’t have any other effect on your book, I don’t believe, and can be ignored.

I believe @steel from Pressbooks shared a similar response on Twitter:

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Thanks. I also saw Steel’s response on Twitter, and was about the share it here. I see you beat me to it. I suspected this was the case, but thought I would check.

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It’s good to check. I’m sure there are other people who have had the same question! Perhaps this is something they can hide in Pressbooks to avoid confusing other users — I’m not sure if the Pressbooks team has access/control over this since Hypothesis is a third-party plugin, but this might clear things up.

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