Download options on title page

Re: Need help with the Rebus Press?

@zoe I want to eliminate the print PDF option on the landing page for one of our books and am having a hard time figuring it out. All my export settings seem fine, but both the Print and regular PDF option remain. The book is here:

Sorry. The topic should be landing page not title page.

Hey Jeremy, I just tested this and it looks like you’ll have to delete all print PDF exports from your export page to remove it from the landing page, but I didn’t want to do so on your book in case you need that file still. Once you have a local copy though, deleting it from the export history should do the trick.

This seems to only happen with some file formats, so I’m making a note to look at addressing the inconsistency. Thanks for flagging it with us!

Ahh. That makes sense now that you explain. Thanks for responding and looking into changing it.

@JeremySmith No worries! Glad to be of help :slight_smile: