Final check-in: February 2022

Thank you to everyone who made it to our final check-in earlier this week! What a wonderful time it was to reflect on our year together. I deeply appreciated your comments on the milestones you achieved, both in your project, and in your own professional and personal lives. It’s been a year of ups and downs, and having this group to lean on has given me a lot of positivity and resolve — so thank you!!

As always, here is a link to our chat transcript and a quick round-up of resources shared:

If you haven’t yet, please complete the program evaluation and collect your well-deserved certificate of completion for the program! I’ll be in touch privately to share our cohort contact list with everyone — so you can add your details if you are interested to maintain connections with this group.

Hearty thank you and congratulations to all of you @feb21-cohort!!!