Hello, All!
I’m the Emerging Technology Librarian at Indiana State University in Terre Haute, IN.
I’ve been running what is a one-person OER project on our campus since 2012. This past year, I worked with our Communications Department for develop our very own OER textbook for COMM 101 using materials from a wikibook, and another open textbook, as well as some original content. Right now, I’m hoping to lead it through a second edition and a review process this summer.
I’m running my own instance of Pressbooks, and am looking for more departments willing to author materials. I have a couple in the works, but I’m starting to get overwhelmed with demands from the administration for more “Money Saving” conversions - meaning find more big classes and convert them to OER!
I have some coding chops, and am a decent copy-editor. Being a librarian, I’m also interested in access, dissemination, and discovery of open content.