June Monthly Group Check-In (June 2022 Cohort)

Hello, @june22-cohort! It’s hard to believe, but our final meeting for the Rebus Textbook Success Program is next week on Tuesday, June 20 from 3:30-4:30 Eastern/2:30-3:30 Central. You should have received a calendar invitation (including a Zoom link) for the meeting. Please let me know if you haven’t received this.

This month we’ll be meeting again as a full cohort, and this will be an opportunity to celebrate how far you’ve all come over the last year. As I mentioned during our group meetings last month, please be prepared to give us an update on your progress and a brief demonstration of some of your OER as it currently stands. I realize that not everyone is finished with their projects yet (and that’s totally fine!), but we’d still like to see an example of some of the work you’ve done thus far. We’ve all been hearing about your projects over the course of the last year, and now is a chance for us all to see these projects in a more “real” fashion. Think of it as a practice run for the “final” release of your project.

In addition to sharing projects and asking any remaining questions, there will also be an opportunity to provide some feedback on your experience in the program. Having worked with several other cohorts over the past couple of years, I can assure you that we do in fact use your feedback to make improvements to the program. We really appreciate and value your input!

Please share any initial questions/concerns you have by replying to this thread. See you next week!

Hello. I did not receive the invite that I could locate in my emails.

Respectfully, Karen Clark

@karen.clark, I’ll send you the meeting invitation with the link. Thanks for letting me know.

Hello Bryan,
I don’t have the Zoom link. Shall I get it in my gmail or school email?


@fafangbj, it should be whatever email address you provided to Rebus. Joerdis sent out the meeting invitations a few months ago, so it should have come from her Rebus email account. I’ll resend it to you.

Thanks @june22-cohort for a great final meeting this week! I really enjoyed hearing all of your updates and seeing your demonstrations of your projects. I know you’re all in various states of completion right now, but you’ve all made tremendous progress over the past year. I’m really proud of all the work you’ve done, and I hope you are too!

I shared a final program survey for you all to fill out. If you weren’t able to attend or forgot to fill it out, please do so. And thank you to those who have already filled it out. I can assure you that we do take your feedback seriously and use it to make continual changes to the Rebus program. If you think back to our session on types of review, you could think of this as a form of classroom review. Another really important reason to fill out the final survey is that it will take you to a brief form where you will receive your certificate of completion for the Rebus program. One additional thing I want to highlight in the survey is that it will ask you if you have an interest in potentially facilitation a future cohort in the program. If this is of interest to you, I highly encourage you to do so. Expressing your interest doesn’t mean that you have to commit to doing it yet. I went through the program in 2020 and have been facilitating since 2021, and it’s been such a rewarding experience for me to work with cohorts this ours.

I know that everyone in the cohort has their own timelines for finishing up their projects, so I encourage you to check back in here to share when your project is “finished” (though as we know, OER is never truly finished). I always love seeing the final product, especially after knowing how much work you’ve all put into them.

I also want to thank you all for celebrating each other’s successes and drawing attention to the important contributions of your colleagues during our final session. I think we’ve created a very supportive and friendly learning community over this past year, and we couldn’t have done it without each other.

As I mentioned during our session, please feel to reach out in the future. You can contact me here in the forum or at my email address (mcgeary@psu.edu). Thanks again for such a wonderful year of working with you all. I hope our paths cross again in the future (and maybe even in person)!

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Thanks Bryan for your great support and valuable advice throughout this year!
I will stay in touch with you, and I look forward to meeting in-person.


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