Thanks, Robin! @judah.viola, @rogers.todd.l, @mbranson and @zmtownsend were especially full of ideas. I’m glad this has helped.
We missed some of you at our session last week, so I’d love to hear an update from these teams:
During our session, I was pleased to hear that some of you are already presenting at conferences and receiving well-deserved attention on your projects! Others are settling into a clear workflow of writing and formatting in Pressbooks — and seeing the book come alive. Since some projects are further along and handling stages like review, it was also useful to see tips being shared or passed on as you are all learning from your experiences.
As always, the chat transcript is saved for your viewing. Here are the resources that were shared:
- Open Education Week (many sessions recorded for you to access in your own time)
- Some of our cohort’s projects or member’s contributions to other OER were featured by Pressbooks in February for Black History Month
- Check out the Case Studies in Community Psychology team’s cover! Their book in Pressbooks is to be updated.
- Pressbooks help:
- The sample chapter for Math for the People is ready! Great work Mark and Whitney!
- GitHub for OER Development
- New release: Best Practices in Fair Use for OER (PDF or Pressbooks version) by the team at the Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property and others
I do want to note a few other things:
- Our next session will be on March 30th. It’ll be our 2nd last session.
- I’m thinking of ways for us to stay connected as a group and continue to support one another even once the program is officially complete. If anyone has suggestions or ideas or you have a clear sense of what will be most helpful for you, please let me know.
- For anyone who is having trouble juggling the project work along side other responsibilities, I want to offer a piece of advice that has served me well (on projects and more generally): we know that creating inclusive OER takes a lot of work and steps. Sometimes, what’s most useful to get us to this end goal (of publishing an equitable text) is to break the work up into manageable chunks. So if you’re currently writing right now, focus on getting those drafts out, and once those are done, you can turn your attention to editing for accessibility, formatting, review/feedback, and all the rest. One task at a time will help you get to your desired finish lines, at a pace that works for you. Allowing yourself to take a step back and only focus on one piece of the larger puzzle can act as the ignition point and give you the momentum to keep going.