Monthly Check-ins

Thank you @oct19-cohort for coming to today’s check-in and sharing a bit about how you are doing, how your projects are progressing. It was nice to see so many of you after over a month. If any of you were not able to make this session, please reply to this thread and let us know how you are doing and share project updates (if you have any).

As I noted on the call, going forward, we are going to be taking some extra security measures with Zoom. So we will continue to use the same link, but will password-protect it. You will all have received a DM in the platform with the password. Please feel free to pass that along to anyone else on your project team who might not be in the platform.

As usual, I’ve saved the chat transcript from our conversation for you all to refer to. Below is a round-up of links shared:

We also saw a preview of the cover for the Open Pedagogy project, designed by Allison:

Samantha @dannick also had a question for others on the call: does anyone have suggestions for ways that language instructors can engage their students and focus on conversation practice? I’ll suggest taking a look at how Português para Principiantes uses H5P interactive elements to assess students throughout the book. If anyone has other suggestions, please share them below!

Our next check-in will be on May 8, and I’ll be sure to send out a reminder before.