Hello, @june21-cohort! I want to remind you that our second monthly check-in will be on Tuesday, October 19 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern. Please revisit the goals you established in our September Check-In thread and come prepared to provide an update. If you can’t attend our session, please respond to this thread with an update about your project & and how this progress has measured up to what you wanted to achieve over the month. I look forward to seeing you all and hearing about how things are going!
Dear cohort,
I’m afraid I can’t make tomorrow’s meeting as I have a clash with the monthly Rifkind seminar for faculty (and also the universty-wide general education committee) so many things at one time(!). In terms of an update in my progress, I’ve run across a slight hump - where the lecture for Sundiata is using a copyrighted translation. I’m working with CCNY’s OER group to see if there is a way that we can work around this by getting permissions for this text in the textbook. If not, at worst, I will remake the lecture using a text that is out of copyright, but that’s where I’m currently stuck.
More next time I hope!
With all my very best wishes and thanks,
po 11. 10. 2021 v 17:26 odesílatel Dr. Bryan J. McGeary via Rebus Community <rebus_new@discoursemail.com> napsal:
pls send latest meeting ID & password- See all soon
us02web.zoom.us/j/82348938748?pw… passcode: 543961
Next goals:
- Continue outreach in varied networks (follow-up with 1st responses)
- Sketch pathway options for involvement
- Set possible group meeting times
Our goals for next month’s session:
- Take a H5P webinar, explore options for interactivity
- Implement at least 1 H5P element into PressBooks
- Find at least 1 more Contributor
- Finish chapter outlines for all
goals for November’s check in:
- keep the momentum going (regular check-ins with team, etc)
- organize the disparate pieces to set Table of Contents
- re-connect with Pressbooks team at UW-Madison
Thanks for another great monthly check-in this week, @june21-cohort! I really appreciated hearing your updates and questions. Here is the chat transcript.
There were a lot of questions this time around about H5P. We took a look at a few examples of how others have used H5P, and a number of resources were shared, including:
- Create Interactive Content with H5P (from the Pressbooks User Guide)
- The H5P Pressbooks Kitchen
- H5P Content Author Guide
- H5P Periodic Table
- H5P Branching Scenario
- H5P Interactive Book
- eCampusOntario H5P Studio
There was also some discussion (prompted by @surovi’s team update) about strategizing to ensure the sustainability of projects. This is important for everyone, but probably especially for those who are working on teams since there’s a lot of logistical pieces involved in coordinating everyone and the possibility of unanticipated turnover of personnel at some point in the future. Several folks mentioned during their updates this week that they’ve been bringing on new collaborators to their projects, so I imagine this might be a concern for many of you at some stage. This is certainly a topic we could strategize about further at a future session if folks are interested. For that matter, if there are any topics that you’d particularly like to dive into further at another session, just let me know.
Thanks to all who have already posted their goals for the next month. It looks like we still need goals from @jmoritz, @vaclavparis, @nmadamopoulos, the @flexbsn-team, and the @accfab-team.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. We can arrange a Zoom meeting if that would be helpful. Take care!
Goals for next month’s session:
- Continue with bimonthly meetings
- Continue working on content development with hopes of 25% completion
- Start engaging in interactive aspects of our product such as H5P
HI Brian, Apurva and Monica,
I wanted to share a recent experience with my Pressbooks account and project.
I was having a meeting with one of our collaborator’s and we found it impossible to add him to the project. We tried everything, including him trying different browers.
This has been frustrating, as he is a busy man, and I feel lucky to have any time offered from him to help with our project. He wanted to take a further look at our project, to assess where and how he could get involved, but because I couldn’t add him to the project, he seemed a little discouraged to be honest. I ended up copying and pasting content I had added to the book and into a new Google Doc, but it was really not ideal.
Thanks for any tips to problem solve adding Contributor’s to our book!
Hi Jessie, could you DM the details of the collaborator you are trying to add (preferred username and email address)? By default, users can add collaborators at their institutions/organizations (on the same email domain). Anyone using a more generic email account (gmail, aol, etc.) will need to be added by us, and I know Monica has noted that you are all welcome to reach out anytime you have trouble adding a teammate to the book. We’ll get this sorted soon!
Hi Apurva, I will do. Thx.