New Blog Post by Zoe Wake Hyde "Why Open Must Be Feminist"

@zoe wrote a blog post about why the open movement must be feminist. She writes, “the important thing isn’t so much that feminism be open (although it should be). It’s more about making sure that everything ‘open’ is feminist.”

Read Why Open Must Be Feminist on the Rebus Foundation blog…

and give us your thoughts on how/why/where/when the open movement is feminist. We’d also like to compile a list of resources about how open is feminist.


Part 2 of Zoe’s blog post on open feminism is out now! You can read “How we can make open education more feminist” on the Rebus foundation blog.

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Zoe - Thank you for addressing these important topics.


Thanks @eplourde! Really appreciate you taking the time to read this :slight_smile:

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Not sure if this is the right place to put this… but an important OER site for Feminists exists:

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Love this! Thank you for sharing it, I look forward to exploring it.