Phase 2: Session 1 - October 2022A Cohort

Hi @oct22-a-cohort,

A reminder that we will be meeting tomorrow Friday 2/3 at 10am for our first session of Phase 2. The zoom information is included below.

It’s going to be a jam packed hour where Andy McKinney will show Pressbooks and Robin Miller will show Manifold. The directions for signing up for Manifold so you can follow along during the session are on this thread.

For our 3/3/23 meeting, we will be having our first 1:1s of Phase 2. I’ve started a spreadsheet for signing up for times.

Looking further ahead to April, I will be away on 4/7 and was hoping we could shift our meeting to either 4/14 or another day that week. I know it was tricky to find this time, so we can figure out what works for the majority and I can meet with folks individually too.

Hope everyone is having a great start to the semester!

Zoom Invite:

Meeting ID: 554 052 7080
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Meeting ID: 554 052 7080
Find your local number: Zoom International Dial-in Numbers - Zoom

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Hi Stacy,
I’ll be attending without a microphone or camera, but will be there.

Happy Friday,

No problem! Glad you will be able to make it. As long as you can see and hear, you’ll be fine. I can answer questions via the chat also. See you in a bit!