Hi @oct22-a-cohort,
Hope you are all doing well and enjoying Spring Break. I’m writing to remind everyone that we are meeting on Friday 4/14 at 10am.
Please be prepared to share your progress and any questions you would like to pose to the group for feedback.
Here is our zoom link:
Meeting ID: 554 052 7080
One tap mobile
+16469313860,5540527080# US
+19292056099,5540527080# US (New York)
Hi @oct22-a-cohort,
Just a reminder that we are meeting today at 10am (now).
Here are the zoom details:
Meeting ID: 554 052 7080
One tap mobile
+16469313860,5540527080# US
+19292056099,5540527080# US (New York)
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Hi @oct22-a-cohort,
Thanks again to @rcastro-mcgowan for showcasing her OER and her amazing Pressbooks skills. Our next meeting is 5/5/23 and those are 1:1 sessions. Please sign up for a time to meet, if you haven’t already (@elin.waring and @bridgetalepore, I emailed you about setting up another time).
Some highlights from our meeting:
The chat transcript is also available with everyone’s supportive comments for @rcastro-mcgowan’s awesome work.
Also, since we looked at interactive mapping in Pressbooks, I wanted to share this new resource on Manifold that has interactive maps also - Around the World on a Bicycle: Resources for Readers.
Please be in touch with me or the City College fellows for any questions or help. You are also welcome to post/reply in the forum to draw on the collective group knowledge.