Session 5: 1:1 Meetings with the Facilitator October - 2022A Cohort

Hi @oct22-a-cohort,

I am excited for our 1:1 meetings on Thursday. We will be meeting via the same zoom link as usual, just for 20 minutes each.

I’ve seen that most folks have signed up already. I’m still missing times with @elin.waring, @bridgetalepore, and @ayali. The spreadsheet has all the available times listed and as a reminder the times are also below.

The schedule is:
12:30-12:50 - Regina, Janelle
12:50-1:10 - Yolanda Savoy, Robin Butler, Maelondy Holman
1:10-1:30 - Jennifer, Julia
1:30-1:50 - Maritsa, Janelle
1:50-2:10 -
2:10-2:30 -

Here are some of the things we’ll move through when we meet. Your groups will shift into a new phase at the beginning of 2023 so my goal right now is just to make sure you’re set up for success.

  • A draft of project summary exists and (ideally) has been shared on the Project Forum pages.
  • You’ve begun discussing roles
  • Clear understanding of documentation system and communication preferences
  • Teams have set up a regular meeting schedule
  • Teams have started to identify and review OER
  • Teams have identified and addressed challenges within teams that have come up so far

As we discussed during last week’s meeting, I would also recommend using the rest of the time allocated to work on your project since you already have it blocked in your calendar.

Hi Stacy,

We are running an in-person OER workshop tomorrow. I, and possibly Julia and Janelle, won’t be able to attend.


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Hi @oct22-a-cohort,

It was great seeing you in our 1:1 conversations. Everyone seems to have clear ideas about what they want to create and where they are going with their projects, which is a great start.

A few of the things that came up:

  1. Platforms - A few of you have started thinking to what platforms you might use. Pressbooks offers monthly workshops that you can check out. For those of you in CUNY, there is also the option of Manifold and their team will be offering workshops in January. I’ll post the dates once they are available.

  2. Time - Everyone mentioned that finding time to work on projects is an issue (although everyone is also hoping for a reprieve in the new year. We discussed spending some of the discussion time in the breakout rooms as time that could also be spent working together quietly on the worksheets so ideas move out of heads and on to paper/screens :slight_smile:

Our next session is December 1st on Accessibility and Inclusive design. Hope you all have a restful and restorative break.


Hi @oct22-a-cohort,

Open Oregon is offering webinars that are relevant to our upcoming discussions. One falls during our meeting, but they will be recorded so you can watch later if you register.

Designing Education for Equity - Dec 1st 2022, 10:00am – 11:30am Pacific
How do we manifest equity in our classrooms? Does anyone know how to do this? Is anyone talking about it? Let’s start that conversation together in this event.

Awesome Attributions and Lovely Licensing Statements: How OER Practitioners Can Use Creative Commons Licenses With Style and Substance with Jonathan Poritz
Dec 2nd 2022, 12:00pm – 1:00pm Pacific
A little general knowledge of the legalities will help OER practitioners easily use Creative Commons licenses when and where needed, with confidence and competence.

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Thank you for providing the 1-on-1 meeting opportunity. Our team has defined meeting times as well as we have defined roles and responsibilities. In addition, we have reviewed our strengths and weaknesses and added other functions to our team. The weekly meetings and 1-on-1 sessions assist in the logistics of creating an OER that can be published and distributed.

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The one on one session was so helpful. It was great to see the spreadsheet of where everyone was at that point in time. I had been feeling so far behind, but that was a mis-perception of sorts and that spreadsheet served as a reality check as well as a motivator.