Session 5: 1-on-1 Facilitator Meeting Recap (October 2022 C Cohort)

Hi #textbook-success-program:oct22-c-cohort ! The week before Thanksgiving, you and I had the chance to meet 1:1 in your project teams. I enjoyed talking with you all in smaller groups! Here are some things that came up:

  1. Scoping: many teams noted that there are a wide range of materials in your subject matter, and that has the potential to overwhelm. One tip that might be helpful when looking through resources and choosing topics is determining ‘must haves’, ‘would be nice to haves’, and ‘not needed’ in your own resources and other OER you’re examining.
  2. Team Meetings: a number of groups mentioned that meeting synchronously with your teams has been tricky, as this semester has been quite busy and we chatted about your upcoming team meetings this week and next month. It’s great you’re all doing your best to keep up to date asynchronously, and remember your teams will be meeting more frequently in the new year - so you’re a lot further along than you all think!

I hope your holiday/fall break was wonderful and this week has been great thus far. Our next session is this Friday, December 2, where we’ll reconvene as a cohort and talk about Accessibility and Inclusive Design!

See you soon,
