I hope the start of the semester is treating you well!
At our last meeting, we discussed trying to find a new time because Regina teaches during our meeting on Friday. So far, @ayali and @rcastro-mcgowan are free on Thursday 8/31.
@mporos, @bridgetalepore, @elin.waring, and @JenSloan - are you free on Thursday 8/31 between 10-11, 11-12, 12-1? Please reply to this thread and let me know ASAP since that’s only in two days. If we can’t find another time this week, we will meet as scheduled on Friday and will work to find another time for our last meeting in October.
If you have a moment, please post an update about your project with your response about the meeting timing. I would love to get a sense of where people are and where we should focus.
Also I wanted to share an update to a resource that faculty at Idaho State (who also facilitate Rebus cohorts) have developed. They have developed a section on AI in their Write What Matters text. Given what a hot topic this is right now, I thought it might be useful for everyone.
It looks like we can’t find a September time where everyone in the @oct22-a-cohort can meet. Let’s keep Friday 9/1 at 10am and we can find a new time for our October meeting.
@rcastro-mcgowan can you send me a message with times you are available and we can catch up 1:1?
the upcoming OE Global Conference which has a great looking program and a local and indigenous cultures track
We also discussed where everyone is in their project and looking at the calendar to figure out when content needs to be “done” for review. Working backwards from the next time the class will run seems like a good strategy for most.
For our final meeting, we set a tentative date and time of 10/2/23 at 10am. The calendar invite will either be from me or from @kaitlin. @JenSloan will present for part of the time on her project. If there’s anything else to discuss, please post below so we can prepare.