Phase 2 - one-on-one team meetings

Hey there, @may23cohort,

Looking on my calendar for today, I see we have a meeting scheduled, but I thought it was next week! Let’s plan to meet next week instead. Sorry for the late notice!

I will be meeting with each team one-on-one, and here is my availability for next week.

Monday, April 22nd, 11:00am-2:00pm PST / 2:00pm-5:00pm EST
Tuesday, April 23rd, 8:00am-8:30am PST / 11:00am-11:30am EST
Wednesday, April 24th, 11:00am-12:00pm PST / 2:00pm-3:00pm EST
I am also available MOST of Friday, suggest a time.

@kundas @rbeinart @minellmr - would you get with your teams and get back to me on this thread about when you would like to meet? The meeting will be about 15-30 minutes.

How can I support you right now? What would you like to talk about? This will be our last one-on-one meeting. And we only have one more full cohort meeting after this, scheduled for May 28th.

Happy Tuesday!


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Hi, Becca.

I talked with my team and next week doesn’t really work for us because of our schedules. Very few of us could meet at any one time – and Seyed is out for a month. We’re continuing with our bi-weekly meetings, which is helping keep us moving forward. We just got our first chapter in Press Books, so that will be on the agenda for our next meeting.

We couldn’t think of anything we need help with at the moment, but if there’s something you feel we should discuss, it’ll have to be in May. We’re also fine with cancelling our meeting with you (even though we enjoy seeing you :grin:).

@rsibrian Hi Becca, I can do Wednesday at 2 pm EST; however, it’ll likely be just me as out semester is in its final weeks. Thanks!

Thanks, Mark, and I get it. I’d like to hear what’s going on.


@rsibrian I launched the zoom meeting that’s on my calendar for 4/30. Is their a different link for today’s chat?