Phase II Meetings

I am looking forward to seeing everyone @may24a-cohort this week for our one-on-ones. Here is our Zoom information:
Meeting ID: 928 9989 3275
Passcode: 996087

So far, you have signed up for the following meeting times on Monday:
11 am CDL
11:30 Flood Mitigation
And, these meetings on Friday:
11:30 Foundational Skills
11:45 A&P

For Pharmacology and Nutrition, please use this link to sign up for the time slot of your choice to complete your one-on-one for September: TSP Sign-up Sheet 1:1 (Tasha -- Sept. 2024) - Google Sheets

By September 30th, all teams should have submitted the following deliverables to Emily via email:

Looking forward to catching up on your work,

Thanks, Tasha! Pharmacology should be signed up for today at 12:15 p.m. Central. Emily sent the meeting invitation with the Zoom link.

Thank you,

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Great to see everyone for our September one-on-ones @may24a-cohort. It sounds as though your work is going well. Our October meeting is scheduled for next Friday, October 4th from 11:30 to 1 pm for Flood Mitigation, Foundational Skills, Human A&P II, Intro to Pharmacology, and we are adding Intro to Safety and Math for Elementary Teachers from Cohort C. CDL and Nutrition have moved to the C cohort time which is from 10 to 11:30 on Friday the 4th. We will be sharing our Project Summary templates with each other, so please plan to talk about the great things you are doing with the other teams.

All past recordings and future invitation are still being posted to our Milestones Document. You should also have received Google Calendar invites directly from Emily.

Have a great weekend,

Hi Tasha, I have the meeting on 10/4 scheduled for 11:30 am -1:00 pm Central Time in my Outlook calendar. Did you change it?

No @kanspaugh. I believe that the issues is that some of the A, B, and C cohorts are mixing based on their meeting preferences. So, the majoring of the A cohort is meeting at one time on Fridays, the majority of the B cohort is meeting on Tuesdays, and the majority of the C cohort is meeting at a different time on Fridays.

Based on what Emily sent me, it looked like most of this cohort was meeting at the 10 a.m. time, though it is possible that some of the cohort was switching to the 11:30 time because that fit their schedule better. Emily sends out the meeting invitations. I just copy those meeting invitations as best I can here, though in Phase II, it does appear that there is more movement than usual in terms of giving the individual teams the choice to switch around to different meeting times.

I will copy over the full list from the Milestones Document so that you can see those changes:

  • October TSP Session
    • 10/1 1:00-2:30 PM: Microbiology, Intro to Health Professions, Intro to PN, IV Therapy, Med Surg 1, Med Surg 2 via Zoom (Recording to be added)
    • 10/4 10:00-11:30 AM: Applied Algebra, CDL, Criminology, Food Safety & Sanitation, Intro to Corrections, Nutrition via Zoom (Recording to be added)

10/4 11:30-1:00 PM: Flood Mitigation, Foundational Skills, Human A&P II, Intro to Pharmacology, Intro to Safety, Math for Elementary Teachers via Zoom (Recording to be added)

So, Cohort A did not originally include Math for Elementary Teams or Introduction to Safety. Those groups were in cohort C, but they seem to prefer this different meeting time. I’ll make sure that I have the majority listed and then update the announcement for those that are meeting at a different time. The forum is just our backup, though. Please always follow your invitation which comes from the LOUIS account.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone at our check-in meeting for November on Friday, November 1st. This month, we have one-on-one meetings to check on your progress. I have assigned times based on your adjusted cohorts. I am listing all 12 of the books to avoid confusion between @may24a-cohort and @may24c-cohort. Please note that on the spreadsheet, LOUIS lists two different Zoom meeting codes and passwords, so I have listed those at the top of each schedule. Each meeting will be up to 15 minutes. Please bring any issues that you are having at this stage.

Friday, November 1st, 10-11:30

Meeting ID: 993 4896 5363
Passcode: 340634
10 a.m. Applied Algebra
10:15 a.m. CDL
10:30 a.m. Criminology
10:45 a.m. Food Safety & Sanitation
11 a.m. Introduction to Corrections
11:15 a.m. Nutrition

Friday, November 1st, 11:30-1

Meeting ID: 984 8758 8223
Passcode: 873230
11:30 a.m. Flood Mitigation
11:45 a.m. Foundational Skills
12 p.m. Human A&P I
12:15 p.m. Introduction to Pharmacology
12:30 p.m. Introduction to Safety
12:45 p.m. Math for Elementary Teachers

I am looking forward to seeing you. Have a great weekend,

Great meetings today, @may24a-cohort and @may24c-cohort. I enjoyed hearing the updates on your work and am looking forward to seeing you next month as you present one of your chapters to our group. Our December meetings are on Friday the 6th.

  • 12/6 10:00-11:30 AM: Applied Algebra, CDL, Criminology, Food Safety & Sanitation, Intro to Corrections, Nutrition via Zoom (Recording to be added)

12/6 11:30-1:00 PM: Flood Mitigation, Foundational Skills, Human A&P II, Intro to Pharmacology, Intro to Safety, Math for Elementary Teachers via Zoom (Recording to be added)

Have a great month and let me know if you need anything,

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I am looking forward to seeing everyone on Friday for our monthly update. Please have one of your chapters ready to share with the rest of the cohort.

12/6 10:00-11:30 AM: Applied Algebra, CDL, Criminology, Food Safety & Sanitation, Intro to Corrections, Nutrition via Zoom

12/6 11:30-1:00 PM: Flood Mitigation, Foundational Skills, Human A&P II, Intro to Pharmacology, Intro to Safety, Math for Elementary Teachers via Zoom

Thank you @may24a-cohort for wrapping up our meetings yesterday in the second phase of the Rebus portion of the Textbook Success Program. We shared the chapters that we submitted to LOUIS on September 30th or another chapter that you have worked on this fall with your team.

Human A&P II has two chapters in Pressbooks and a schedule for working on editing and revising for the remaining work. The team is working on making sure that the deadlines do not interfere with other academic schedules. Some team members have finals this week while others are in finals next week. The next project benchmark deadline is not until April 30th.

Nutrition shared the chapter that they wrote together on Food Labeling. Collaborating on this chapter helped the group to establish a baseline for the way that the rest of the chapters would be written with a good mix of visuals and videos.

Introduction to Pharmacology is working in Google docs using track changes with a plan to move into Pressbooks later. They have established a folder for visuals that they may want to use late in the process. We talked about how to find a balance based on your discipline for visuals.

Flood Mitigation is also working in Google docs with plans to begin moving to Pressbooks in January and starting on the H5P components of the book. As you are writing, it will save time if you note where you would like to include visuals or H5P later in the process.

Connie was present to present for CDL. This textbook will be heavily influenced by the federal requirements, but the team wants to add a number of videos to the course. LOUIS has set up a session to discuss the logistics of making your own videos.

Finally, Foundational Skills shared their project timeline and the chapter that they turned in. As they work in Google Docs, we again discussed how to save time later by indicating where H5P or visual components will be imbedded in the text.

November was a busy month. If you missed the meeting on Enhancing Content in Pressbooks or the meeting on Creative Commons & Open Licenses, both recordings are available on the spreadsheet. Please note that Amelia is also available for 20 minute tech help or check-in sessions this month. There is a signup sheet here.

Thank you all again for sharing your amazing progress with the full group. We will meet once in January for you to provide an update on your progress. In February, we will have weekly working meetings as we cover the last of our Rebus content before you complete the Textbook Success Program and move on to the course development and piloting phases of this process with LOUIS.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful holiday season,

Great to see everyone today at our last check-in meeting before we see each other again on February 3rd for our session on review and feedback. Looking forward to seeing you then.

I’m sorry I missed today’s call. It is our first day back to campus and I was tied up in meetings.