Phase II Meetings

I am looking forward to seeing everyone @may24c-cohort this week for our one-on-ones. Here is our Zoom information:
Meeting ID: 966 0006 2553
Passcode: 741950

So far, you have signed up for the following meeting times on Monday:
11:15 Criminology
And on Friday:
11 am Math for Elementary Teachers
11:15 Food, Safety and Sanitation

For Introduction to Corrections, Applied Algebra and Introduction to Safety, please use this link to sign up for the time slot of your choice to complete your one-on-one for September: TSP Sign-up Sheet 1:1 (Tasha -- Sept. 2024) - Google Sheets

By September 30th, all teams should have submitted the following deliverables to Emily via email:

Looking forward to catching up on your work,

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I received the email of this post made at 11:55 AM on 9/23 but wasn’t available to schedule the open timeslots for that day. I now see that all the timeslots for today (9/27) are taken.

Applied Algebra cohort is meeting this morning at 10 am for our September Meeting.

I am available this afternoon after the listed times for a one-on-one to meet with you on behalf of the Applied Algebra cohort.

If you are still meeting @jeusea, please send me an invite and I will join before the meetings start at 11. Emily sent out all of the organizing emails for this set of meetings, so I was just following up with the schedule. I am afraid that I have to get off the LOUIS Zoom account promptly at 1 today because there is another meeting scheduled at that time, but I can your join meeting.

I will also go ahead and start the Zoom meeting for 11 a.m. a little bit early and you are free to join then.

@whittonn - we wrapped up the meeting before I received this post.

@jeusea You are welcome to jump on now.

I am in a meeting until noon and another one from 1-2 pm.

@jeusea Noon is fine. I will work you in between other cohorts. Sorry that you didn’t receive the email from Emily. Several folks today have said that those emails went to their spam folders.

Here is the LOUIS info:

Meeting ID: 966 0006 2553
Passcode: 741950

Great to see everyone for our September one-on-ones @may24c-cohort. It sounds as though your work is going well. Our October meeting is scheduled for next Friday, October 4th from 10 to 11:30 for most of the cohort which includes Food, Safety, and Sanitation, Intro to Corrections, Criminology, and Applied Algebra. Math for Elementary Teachers and Introduction to Safety have opted to move to the A Cohort meeting time. We will also be joined by Nutrition and CDL from the A cohort We will be sharing our Project Summary templates with each other, so please plan to talk about the great things you are doing with the other teams.

All past recordings and future invitations are still being posted to our Milestones Document. Emily has also sent you Google calendar invitations from the LOUIS account.

Have a great weekend,

I am looking forward to seeing everyone at our check-in meeting for November on Friday, November 1st. This month, we have one-on-one meetings to check on your progress. I have assigned times based on your adjusted cohorts. I am listing all 12 of the books to avoid confusion between @may24a-cohort and @may24c-cohort. Please note that on the spreadsheet, LOUIS lists two different Zoom meeting codes and passwords, so I have listed those at the top of each schedule. Each meeting will be up to 15 minutes. Please bring any issues that you are having at this stage.

Friday, November 1st, 10-11:30

Meeting ID: 993 4896 5363
Passcode: 340634
10 a.m. Applied Algebra
10:15 a.m. CDL
10:30 a.m. Criminology
10:45 a.m. Food Safety & Sanitation
11 a.m. Introduction to Corrections
11:15 a.m. Nutrition

Friday, November 1st, 11:30-1

Meeting ID: 984 8758 8223
Passcode: 873230
11:30 a.m. Flood Mitigation
11:45 a.m. Foundational Skills
12 p.m. Human A&P I
12:15 p.m. Introduction to Pharmacology
12:30 p.m. Introduction to Safety
12:45 p.m. Math for Elementary Teachers

I am looking forward to seeing you. Have a great weekend,

Great meetings today, @may24a-cohort and @may24c-cohort. I enjoyed hearing the updates on your work and am looking forward to seeing you next month as you present one of your chapters to our group. Our December meetings are on Friday the 6th.

  • 12/6 10:00-11:30 AM: Applied Algebra, CDL, Criminology, Food Safety & Sanitation, Intro to Corrections, Nutrition via Zoom (Recording to be added)

12/6 11:30-1:00 PM: Flood Mitigation, Foundational Skills, Human A&P II, Intro to Pharmacology, Intro to Safety, Math for Elementary Teachers via Zoom (Recording to be added)

Have a great month and let me know if you need anything,

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I am looking forward to seeing everyone on Friday for our monthly update. Please have one of your chapters ready to share with the rest of the cohort.

12/6 10:00-11:30 AM: Applied Algebra, CDL, Criminology, Food Safety & Sanitation, Intro to Corrections, Nutrition via Zoom

12/6 11:30-1:00 PM: Flood Mitigation, Foundational Skills, Human A&P II, Intro to Pharmacology, Intro to Safety, Math for Elementary Teachers via Zoom

Thank you @may24c-cohort for attending our meeting on Friday to share your progress. Everyone is doing such tremendous work,and I am glad that you got an opportunity to get a glimpse of what is going on with the other teams.

Introduction to Safety shared their project which is still in Google Docs, but Brian and Jeff are going to move it to Pressbooks. We talked about the balance of visuals in the text, along with their plan to add case studies.

Food, Safety, and Nutrition shared their chapter and the work that they put in to find a common voice so that the book would not sound as though it was written by multiple people. They have also been using Canva to create visuals.

Introduction to Corrections has all of their chapter in Word and is editing to make the move to Pressbooks. They are still working on visuals and considering where to add H5P components.

Criminology has chapter 1 and 2 in Pressbooks. They have a number of videos, primarily from YouTube. They are also taking original photos that represent Louisiana to use in the text.

Applied Algebra is continuing to add material to their text from Open Stax and other sources. They are spending time on cleaning up the html so that their equations display properly.

Math for Elementary Teachers has also moved several chapters into Pressbooks. They discussed redoing some of the tables that they are copying from other sources. Amelia mentioned that the best practice would be to use the eraser to eliminate any of the original formatting and then use one of the prepared tables in Pressbooks. It is not recommended that teams use the custom option.

November was a busy month. If you missed the meeting on Enhancing Content in Pressbooks or the meeting on Creative Commons & Open Licenses, both recordings are available on the spreadsheet. Please note that Amelia is also available for 20 minute tech help or check-in sessions this month. There is a signup sheet here.

Thank you all again for sharing your amazing progress with the full group. We will meet once in January for you to provide an update on your progress. In February, we will have weekly working meetings as we cover the last of our Rebus content before you complete the Textbook Success Program and move on to the course development and piloting phases of this process with LOUIS.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful holiday season,

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Friday at our January team check-in.

10:30 a.m. Applied Algebra
10:45 a.m. Criminology
11 a.m. Food Safety & Sanitation
11:15 a.m. Introduction to Corrections
11:30 a.m. Introduction to Safety
11:45 a.m. Math for Elementary Teachers

Hope you had a wonderful holiday,