Project Status Updates: General Education World Languages

Welcome to General Education World Languages!

Want to know what we’re up to? Keep an eye on this topic for updates and news about the project’s progress.

Here is a brief update on our planning and work that we have been up until now.

Our university has been working with Deutsch im Blick (this is housed in COERLL at UT Austin) - for our first year (two semesters) of German. This is our first year in use, but we will continue to work with this. I would like to do a re-work of this text to update videos, grammar portions and vocabulary lists.

For this project: We are going to re-work the grammar sections for the first semester of German, using the explanations of from this text and making our own grammar activities.

Where we are at right now: I think that we are in the very beginning stages of this, but have identified main categories. But we are talking a lot about this.

Where we are going: I think that we are leaning towards a pressbooks style publication, but I am not sure at this point. The text is in a website, and I see the advantages of this, but also the disadvantages.

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Very excited after Jonathan’s demo of Pressbooks.

Also: We work with Deutsch im Blick (German in Sight) which is an OER website based at the Language Resource Center at UTexas at Austin - COERLL (Center for Open Educational Resources in Language Learning).

You all should check out their resources - @Lashleyed @gemmamorawski @andrewhorning