Welcome to General Education English!
Want to know what we’re up to? Keep an eye on this topic for updates and news about the project’s progress.
Welcome to General Education English!
Want to know what we’re up to? Keep an eye on this topic for updates and news about the project’s progress.
Hi, all! I started a copy of the English Google doc Jonathan created for us. I have written a draft for some of the sections. See here: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/17EZt4Pp7mSTWraET1GmZC2YaEAdZGABWvFrErSlYlPk/edit?usp=sharing]
This looks awesome, Liza. I’ll tweak the licensing section and some other parts as needed, probably on Monday.
Also, part of the template asks us to provide team and contact info. Maybe @Lashleyed will automatically add that when updating our Rebus page, but just in case, here’s my info:
Joel Gladd, English Instructor at the College of Western Idaho. Email: joelgladd@cwi.edu
Thanks for starting this, Liza!
Hey, Amy,
I was sending you a message about a previous topic, when you posted here.
Hello Liza,
Great work. Could there be a section where we add activities we create, instead of “adopting” OER? Is anyone else interested in that?
Great point, Sylvia, I think a combination of creation (where one is willing to develop or share) as well as adopted OER lessons would be the way to proceed!
Haha, I write two paragraphs and y’all do all the work! Nice job everyone
Liza Long
Thanks, Amy,
I will look for a Google Docs tutorial, to see how we could make activities or maybe import them.
What kinds of activities are you thinking of? Would these have a place within each section, or are you suggesting that a separate section be dedicated to them?
Pressbooks has a few activity options, and it supports H5P embedding, but that may not be what you may have in mind.
Hello Joel,
My imagination is limited by my familiarity with only Moodle: for example, repeatable drag-and-drop activities that help reinforce textual and auditory instruction and that can be followed with a quiz. Instead of, or along with, drag-and-drop, we might have multiple choice, matching, and true-or-false quizz questions that are also repeatable. Something I learned through Quality Matters training is variety aids retention.
Hello again,
Maybe we need a quiz section in each of the six modules.
Yeah, I can fill in the contact info.
Sylvia, definitely! I think providing our activities as well as sample essay prompts and student models will be very helpful. I am also anticipating that we could each “create” our own version of the book from the resources to show how it could be used. Joel,. I am assuming this is possible in Pressbooks.
Yes! You can clone an adapt your own “focused” editions of a greater Pressbook and I love that you all are already thinking about how to model practice. Folks could create their own edition of materials or simply adopt the Liza edition.
Hi Sylvia, re: activities: Both Moodle and Pressbooks support H5P so I assume we’d be able to include a variety of activities and not just simple multiple choice quizzes. I haven’t tinkered with H5P though. This is an area we would probably benefit from someone else’s expertise. I bet @steelwagstaff or @ryanrandall might be able to provide some support when making these kinds of decisions.
Edit: Here’s an intro to H5P: https://h5p.org/content-types-and-applications
Edit 2: Here’s an example of a “fill-in-the-blank” activity we could copy, revise as needed, then embed within a chapter: https://h5p.org/fill-in-the-blanks
During today’s Zoom meeting we decided to create a Google Drive folder with large “buckets” for all the materials that might go into each section part of our OER textbook.
Here’s the link to the folder: “First-Year Writing in Idaho”
Thanks, Joel, for creating the buckets!
Jamaica and Sylvia, will you be able to meet this Saturday via Zoom at 11:30 a.m. MST. Jonathan, you’re invited, too! If this time doesn’t work (it should follow the morning Rebus meeting), we can do a Doodle poll and see when we have a common time between Sat and next Tues. We can talk global issues and then maybe divvy up the chapters (buckets) based on preferences or expertise.
Thanks, Amy
Hi Amy,
Yes! I can plan to meet at that time tomorrow!
Hi Amy and all–
Are we meeting this morning? Do you have a link?