About the February '21 Cohort

We’re delighted to welcome and announce the fourth cohort of the Textbook Success Program! This cohort features 14 individuals across US & Canada working on 4 open publishing projects. :books:

Take a look at the projects, teams, and participating institutions:

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Hi, @apurva - Thank you for the welcome! Excited to get started!! I’ve actually changed my mind, as I have a new project I want to work on for the Rebus training–Writing for Digital Environments. Is it OK to change to this? I’d started working on the WAC Guide here but ended up moving it to an Open Lab site. Thanks!!

Yes, of course! I’ll update the information on our end shortly. :slight_smile:

I will be working with a very creative team of change agents who are way more comfortable than I am in the virtual space as we forge ahead with a CUNY OER Teacher Education Hub. What we are in the process of doing is curating resources that already exist within CUNY (as well as in the larger OER community) and determining which of these resources we want to include on the Hub. We are now following up with OER authors, adopters, and novices who want to share their work on the Hub. We will be creating brief videos and then linking to resources.
Big Dream: No CUNY teacher education candidate has to spend more than $500 on texts during their entire graduate course of study. In addition, candidate voices and voices from P-12 are available within OER.

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I’m helping to support Niki and the team in creating these OER for Teacher Education. I’m helping with the curation and connecting within CUNY, since I’m the representative for Lehman for OER and also relatively connected to the larger open community.

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