Edits folder Chapters 1 and 6

Edits sect 1.1: I did not edit any lines that involved Latex.

Example 1 a: 3/5 needs to be substituted for y in step 2.
Example 1 b: 7/5 needs to be substituted for y in step 2.

After exercise 1, the definition of linear equation is out of order.

example 2: step 1, line 2, negative 8 is missing
step 4, 29 should not be there

after exercise 2: steps numbered incorrectly. Steps should be consolidated. I tried to edit the section the way that I would say it, but the numbering and bulletting is making me crazy.

example 3: should read, … Add m to both sides to get the “variable terms” on the left.
Add 4 to both sides to get the “constants” on the right.

Exercise 5a: H5P is not working correctly. Fractional answer negative 17/5.

Example 7 last sentence should read, … The equation is true when a=4/3, so this is a conditional equation. The solution is a=4/3.

Table after exercise 8 : 1st column isn’t aligned
true for one value of the variable, not one or more values.
solution for conditional should be one value

Example 9: Words in step 3 need to be moved up to line up with the steps, then the check comes after.
In the check, NO “x” in 2nd to last step.

Example 11: In alternative method, correct line 3 and 4 on the left side.
in line 5, should have negative y in red on both sides

Example 12: line 7, ther is an extra “-y-10” on the left side.

Edit that I made:
Took out the redundancy in explanation before Example 1.

In conditional equation section, after exercise 5, conditional equation is true for “one” value of
the variable, not one or more values. Glossary entry for conditional equation may need to be corrected.

Edited the sentence before example 10.

Example 1 a: 3/5 needs to be substituted for y in step 2.
Example 1 b: 7/5 needs to be substituted for y in step 2.
Both of these show correct

After exercise 1, the definition of linear equation is out of order.
Changed the order

example 2: step 1, line 2, negative 8 is missing
-8 shows on my copy
step 4, 29 should not be there
Removed the 29

after exercise 2: steps numbered incorrectly. Steps should be consolidated. I tried to edit the section the way that I would say it, but the numbering and bulletting is making me crazy.
I don’t see a way to consolidates these any more

example 3: should read, … Add m to both sides to get the “variable terms” on the left.
Add 4 to both sides to get the “constants” on the right.

Exercise 5a: H5P is not working correctly. Fractional answer negative 17/5.
working now. answer correct

Example 7 last sentence should read, … The equation is true when a=4/3, so this is a conditional equation. The solution is a=4/3.

Table after exercise 8 : 1st column isn’t aligned
true for one value of the variable, not one or more values.
solution for conditional should be one value

Example 9: Words in step 3 need to be moved up to line up with the steps, then the check comes after.
In the check, NO “x” in 2nd to last step.
Not sure how this table was built - could possibly fix spacing issue by putting the check in its own - open to suugestions

Example 11: In alternative method, correct line 3 and 4 on the left side.
in line 5, should have negative y in red on both sides

Example 12: line 7, ther is an extra “-y-10” on the left side.

Changed the definitnion of conditional equation in the glossary

Edits for rest of CH 1
Sect 1.2 - a) Can we omit Example 2? My thoughts: It only takes one step to solve for the specified variable, but there is no explanation about that complex expression being a coefficient. It is a short section. If we omit Example 2, Example 3 would become Example 2, no other change needed. Leaving this example IN is also fine with me.

b) There is a black rectangle after the You Tube video in the book that does not appear in the Pressbook editor version?? Don’t know how to get rid of that.

Sect 1.3 - a) In Example 1, the ordered pair in part d (0, neg 1) is NOT graphed in the image. To make the words match the image point in part d has to be changed to (neg2, 3). I like (0, neg 1) better, but don’t think that we can change the image.

b) in Example 2, the part c column with (2, neg 3), the last line should say -3 not = 1.

c) in Exercises 1 and 2, the H5P, the solutions are there before clicking on the solutions tab.

d) In Example 3, don’t like the light blue, the darker blue in Example 4 looks better. (Leaving the light blue would be fine.)

Sect 1.4 - a) Example 5 should all be within the text box. Also, in Part a, the y-intercept should be (0, Neg 2), not (0, 2).

b) Example 6 - In order to match the figure the equation should be y=neg x+4. Also, slope (in red) and y-intercept (in blue) on the 3rd line needs to be corrected. Looks like it was cut and pasted from previous example.

c) Exercise 6 (H5P), both parts, giving an incorrect answer as the correct choice. Slope and y-intercept both negative.

d) Example 9 - Latex code appearing in the actual textbook???

NOTE: I changed lots of wording in these sections. I hope you think that I have made it better. I was also able to change some of the minor Latex throughout, esp in 1.4 where several slope subscripts needed to be changed. Afraid to do the heavier Latex.

Edits for Chapter 6
Sect 6.1 - all edits completed

Sect 6.2 -
a) Example 6 - the table is missing, so not sure if probabilities are correct.
Right side parenthesis missing in part (b)

b) Example 8 - In table, total in Negative Test column should be 9722 (not 9822). Right-side parenthesis missing in 1st probability calculation.

Sect 6.3 -
a) In the Factorial definition/textbox, it should be noted that 0! = 1 .

b) In the 2nd paragraph before permutation definition, the latex coding in the live text.

c) In exercise 4 (H5P), take out the word chance in the answer.

Sect 6.4 -
a) In example 2 - For the probability of matching 5 numbers, the combination part is typed incorrectly. The numerator should be Combination 6 choose 5 times Combination 42 choose 1 . The denominator should be Combination 48 choose 6 . The rest of the statement is correct.

b) In exercise 2 - I am not getting the answer 33 cents. I get 28 cents. Someone please check.

@tspahn @rbroussard3 @ashley.segalla Sections 6.3 and 6.4 don’t contain any H5P content, but I removed the word “chance” in Section 6.3 Excercise 4. Also, for Exercise 2 in Section 6.4, I found the following: The probability of getting all different numbers on the three dice is (6/6)(5/6)(4/6) = 120/216 = 5/9. The probability of getting numbers that are not all different is 4/9 (the total probilities must add up to 1, so (9/9)-(5/9) = 4/9. ) Therefore, 2(4/9) - (5/9) = 3/9 =0.33.

1.2 Removed example - noted removed in adaptations in back of book
No idea how to remove black box
1.3 fixed examples 1 and 2
1.4 fixed examples 5, 6, 9

For 6.2 - added the table and fixed example 6 and example 8
6.3 added to factorial definition, fixed coding
6.4 fixed example 2, agree with Kiel for answer