The Finite Cohort met today and decided to look at content in an OpenStax Algebra resource to include in our Chapter 1. We decided the Lippman Business PreCalculus content for our Chapter 1 was too heavy on functions and function notation for a Finite resource. We will review that content this week. At least one Intermediate Algebra OpenStax book is in the Pressbooks Directory (not the LOUIS Pressbook network), and I noticed when I downloaded the book, it downloaded as an XML file. Since it is the XML format, it should be easy to import the portions we need into our Pressbooks account, shouldn’t it @emily.frank ? In addition, we have agreed that since I am familiar with MyOpenMath, I can start gathering homework/assessment questions and video content to supplement our text as it comes together. We will all pitch in with deciding what content to keep from the Lippman and OpenStax resources and what to remove or change, but we also decided that our content creation does not need to be linear, as long as the editing gets done timely.
Hey Kiel -
- Emily and Elizabeth should be able to bring in any part a pressbook that the cohort would like to use. I’ll let her comment on that.
- At RPCC we also use College Mathematics Textbook, 1st edition, by Tracey Haynie, et al. by Scottsdale Community College as a text option for Finite Math. Not sure if it has information that could be helpful to pull from.
- The final MyOpenMath course that is used for the project will have to be housed with LOUIS/BOR. That was not going to be discussed until much later in the project. If the plan is to use questions as part of the pressbook, that would be a good idea. If you are creating a MyOpenMath course, we will have to get together in a few months so I can copy your course to house it with LOUIS.
@Kellis If this title is already available in Pressbooks, it will be relatively straightforward to bring into your existing title. Using the Pressbooks XML will import the entire title. Since it sounds like you plan to use portions, I would say import using the URL. This allows you to select the parts/chapters you want to import. This webpage describes the process. Let me know if I can help!
@kellis1 - I can even let you copy the MyOpenMath course we use at RPCC. The one we found and have used (with some editing) uses the Business PreCalc. resource for Chapters 1-3. But many of the assignments may also be useful for the other chapters. Just let me know.
@emily.frank I tried importing a URL from an Intermediate Algebra (OpenStax) book in the Pressbooks Directory (the British Columbia, Canada network) into our Pressbooks Cohort’s Sandbox course. It doesn’t work. I have tried several times, and the process times out. For example, I tried to import the following URL Introduction – Intermediate Algebra
and nothing imported. I tried some content from a different book and it did import, however I was just trying to see if it would work…it wasn’t content that I was interested in. I wonder why I would have trouble with the specific title I am interested in…
Hi Jared, It won’t hurt to have a copy of it. You can email me the Course ID when you get a chance. Thanks!
@kellis1 I also tried to import Intermediate Algebra into the sandbox using the Import from URL for both the whole book and a chapter and it also timed out. I checked with Elizabeth on this and she confirmed the issue and will explore it more with Pressbooks.
Hey Kiel - The course ID is 78272. It should be titled “Math 1500 Original.” This is the course we found in MOM, before we made changes to it for our use.
@kellis1 We received more feedback from Pressbooks on the import issues. The best guess is due to a custom set up of the host’s Pressbooks and the title size. They found an alternative version of that title – can you try importing the chapter(s) you want to use with that link instead?
Hi @emily.frank, @ashley.segalla @tspahn @rbroussard3 @jeusea I can’t import links from either of the aforementioned openstax Algebra titles we found in the pressbooks directory. And when I tried to import a link directly from openstax, it imported a bunch of nonsense. We may have to look at a different title to supplement the Business PreCal text.
Edit: But wait, although importing the URL of the titles from the Pressbooks directory didn’t work, when I simply copied some content from several pages in the Pressbook Directory texts and pasted it into our Pressbook editor, the content came over pretty much unscathed. I hope I’m not speaking prematurely, but it looks like copying and pasting from other Pressbooks title may be a viable option.
I tested importing the alternative version of that title in the sandbox and think it looks OK except for the formulas/latex (which is a good amount of content so definitely there is a lot of clean up still) :
And here are the originals:
Not sure if this is better or worse than the other options you’re considering!
@emily.frank I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but when I click the links you posted, I get a page that says “OOPS, That content can’t be found.” I will stick with copying and pasting for now because when I copied and pasted the content from the Pressbooks text, it copied everything correctly, equations and all. The only thing that didn’t come over were the hyperlinks.
@kellis1 - But were you able to get the hyperlinks to be put in the pressbook?
I eventually figure it out, but most of the hyperlinks are not necessary, after all.