Question about embedded videos.
From working on other sites, I know that to embed videos, the link must be placed in the HTML coding. Is this the case with Pressbooks? If so, how difficult is that process?
Adding a link to open in a new window or tab is easy and may be the best way to add videos.
Thanks in advance.
Displaying media in Pressbooks is overall pretty easy to do, and you don’t necessarily need to switch to the HTML view. If you’re wanting to embed a video (or any other embedded media, like Tweets or podcasts), you can just copy and paste the link into the visual editor. The Display Embedded Media chapter in the Pressbooks User Guide offers a great breakdown of the different types of media you can easily embed into Pressbooks.
Only the code showed in the book.
I then tried to use the <> code feature of the text editor, same result.
I then tried to put the code as a link (I knew this wouldn’t work but decided to try), same result.
What am I doing wrong?
Could it be because Vimeo is not on the list of allowable providers? We want the video to open within the book and not as a link.
Pressbooks restricts the embedding on iframes from most other sites for security reasons. We will allow iframes to be embedded from the following providers, however:
Note: Network managers can permit the embedding of iframes from any other trusted provider via a network-specific iframe allowlist. Contact your network manager with questions about embedding iframes from sources other than those listed above.
Thanks for letting me know you’re trying to upload Vimeo. You should be able to embed Vimeo into Pressbooks, similar to YouTube, where you just copy and paste the link into the Visual Editor. On Vimeo, you click the share button, and can copy the link there (no need for the iframe code).
I did a test run of a few Vimeo links in Pressbooks and noticed one video wouldn’t embed at all, but the other one worked. Below is a screen shot of what appeared in the video that didn’t work. It could be the video has domain restrictions.
@kaitlin - thanks for helping @ddensmore with the embedding of the videos in the pressbook. I like the way this looks in the text and I feel it will be a great additional resource for us!
I know many of you have faced some learning curves with LaTeX and Pressbooks thus far. I’ll be meeting with a colleague next week who has expertise in this area, so if there are any specific questions around LaTeX, MathJax, Pressbooks, or Math OER more generally, please reply to this thread and I’ll try to get your questions answered.