MyOpenMath and Moodle Discussion

Statistics Cohort -

This topic is being added to have discussion on editing the MyOpenMath and Moodle courses.

Hey Stats cohort -

My comments about the MyOpenMath course:

  1. All Chapters 1-4, 6-12 I feel like we could use the homework assignments as they are.
    *We would merge Normal Distribution (Chapter 6) and Central Limit Theorem (Chapter 7) since we did that in our pressbook.

  2. Chapter 5 only had Continuous Distribution for Uniform and not Exponential. We could make an assignment for Exponential.

  3. We wouldn’t use Chapter 12 One-Way ANOVA because we don’t include it in our pressbook.

  4. The Chapters have Learning Objectives listed, but we wouldn’t export these into Moodle.

Hi cohort team -

Just sharing a status report:


  1. I deleted all of the Significant Stats content (unless it is in the front or back matter). Now we can hopefully start to see the book as complete as it is, right now. @stephan.patterson - There is a section titled Old - Mean or Expected Value and Standard Deviation in Chapter 4. If this isn’t good, please trash it.

  2. I exported the links for each section of the book and the projects into Moodle. I left out the introductions, front matter, and back matter from being put into Moodle.

  3. I put all the Sections, Chapter Reviews, Practice and Homework links in the correct Modules in Moodle.


  1. I did a successful import from MyOpenMath into Moodle, only bringing in the homework assignments for each Chapter. I renumbered some of them (after Chapter 6) to match our Pressbook title. They were all placed in the correct Module.

  2. I didn’t make any assignment question edits to any assignments - I also don’t know if anyone else did. If someone did any edits to assignments, please reply what you did.

Moodle Course

I know our Moodle course is not 100% ready for the review, but it should be completed by the end of the year. A few comments before the review period:

  1. I finished a Syllabus document to go in the course. I will put it in the course.
  2. All content Modules are 99% complete.
  3. We need to discuss some other things to edit in select Modules (i.e. the Welcome and Getting Started Modules).
  4. I didn’t do anything with the Midterm and Final Exam Modules.

You’re correct, the section titled “Old” was also an import and I’ve now deleted it as well. That was the one I worked with before we imported the whole significant stats book