Phase 2: Session 5 Meeting - October 2022A Cohort

@oct22-a-cohort Thanks for letting me chat with you all at last Friday’s session! It was a real treat for me to learn about your projects and see the ideas you have for ways to make these books more equitable.

We didn’t get a chance to hear from @rcastro-mcgowan and @bridgetalepore as you both had to step away a bit early. Can you possibly drop a quick update here in the forum letting us know where you are with your projects? Are you facing any challenges? Are you particularly excited about a milestone?

Quick Summary

  • Maritsa walked us through the Table of Contents/Outline for her OER and got a lot of feedback from the cohort!
  • Ann Marie is planing to create an edited compendium with contributing authors. She plans to put out a call for authors soon which we can all share in our networks.
  • Jennifer has organized her readings and outline of chapters, and will spend some time determining what platform to use. While she didn’t get accepted to the Open Ed Conference, it was still helpful to get into the habit of talking about the project!
  • Janelle noted that she has more free time over the summer to support the project work — as we saw, she is chockfull of great tips and suggestions so please do loop her into your project discussions.
  • Julie, Jennifer, and Ann Marie are planning to meet regularly to co-work over the summer - if you want to join, get in touch!
  • Bridget and Regina will post a quick update for us here so we can learn more about what they are up to!
  • The next meeting is on July 7 and Jennifer/Ann Marie will coordinate to potentially share their outline with the group. I’ll note that you could also walk through 1 chapter and show off the different pedagogical devices and structure that you have designed. This could be especially helpful as you are all turning to the next stage of writing.

Resources/Links Shared
