Phase 2 – Session 7 - Mark your calendars!

I would like to remind you that we will meet on December 2, 2022 at 9:30 am EST. (This is a date change, due to the Holiday week, next week.)

During this session we will be going through "Preparing for the Launch: of your projects.

Some topics we will cover include:

  • Planning your promotion.
  • Designing promotional resources for promotion.
  • Using Social Media to share out your project.]
  • Sharing your projects locally and beyond.
  • Sharing your projects/introducing them at conferences, both in your discipline and at OER focused conferences.

We will meet in the zoom room at: Launch Meeting - Zoom
The zoom room password: rebus

To prepare for our session please be ready to share a positive experience and a challenge you are currently working through on your project.

Please post any questions here.

I hope you have a relaxing holiday week next week and I look forward to our session on December 2, 2022 at 9:30.

  • Julie
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@feb22a-cohort - Don’t forget about our session this Friday, December 2, 2022 @ 9:30 EST.
I look forward to catching up and talking about “Preparing for your Launch.”

  • Julie

I recorded today’s session.

Next month we are scheduled for 1:1 meetings, but we are bumping against the holiday break. Visit the spreadsheet to sign up on the Dec 30th tab, or email me at and we can meet before your break.

The final session is scheduled in January on Friday January 27, 2023 at 9:30 am EST.

I look forward to catching up with you all soon.

  • JulieM