Phase 2 Session 7 Recap: Marketing, Reviewers, and Releases


Thanks to everyone who could make the meeting today. I was so impressed with your project updates.

Important Links

Notes from Our Meeting
One thing I have especially appreciated about working with this cohort is the way we have been able to learn from each other. Here are a few things that stood out to me from our conversation:

  1. Congratulations to @gonzalo.baptista on tenure!
  2. Jill’s resource has a great idea for a feedback and adoption form visible from every page of her Google site.
  3. Negin’s case studies are both looking good.

We discussed challenges with resources that are not publicly available. Consider adding a statement to your resource about how students can access those readings (e.g. through your college library, LMS, etc.).

We also discussed Negin’s ideas for compensating student contributors. This is an important consideration.

Our goal for our final session (June 12) is to have links to resources that are public. Remember that you can still be working on your OER once you make it visible (in fact, they are actually always a work in progress).

I have mentioned the importance of conferences a few times in our meetings, and I wanted to remind you that it’s not too late to consider submitting a proposal to Open Ed2024. Even if you don’t plan to submit, this is still a wonderful conference to attend. Here’s more information: Call for Proposals.

Thanks again for your great work! You inspire me.

Hi Liza

We had a change in committee meeting time and I won’t be able to attend our cohort today. Would it be possible to schedule a one-on-one with you next week?

Patsy McKenzie, PhD

Associate Professor

Psychology Department
T: 301-784-5114

Office: Humanities 41

Allegany College of Maryland
12401 Willowbrook Road, SE
Cumberland, MD 21502

Thank you. I found this to be a valuable check in! We are signed up for our May 8 1:1.

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