Phase 2 Session 9: Our Final Meeting

@june23-cohort I am excited to see you all next Wednesday, June 12 at 1:00 P.M. EST for our final cohort meeting! We will share our projects and celebrate your success. I have also invited Annika and Nancy from M.O.S.T. and Apurva Ashok from Rebus to attend. Please reach out if you have any questions!


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I need to let you know that I’m unable to attend our final cohort meeting. Medicaid in all of their wisdom, decided that my father no longer needs skilled nursing and denied payment to the facility where he was living. We were only given 9 days notice. He moved in with us on Monday. I’ve spent that last few days trying to get his appointments, medications, and benefits set up and transferred. We have an appointment at 1pm today for his prescriptions because the nursing home discharged him without adequate medication for this week.

We’re moving along with the textbook. The ancillary materials are completed (that’s what my grant was originally for). Images for the textbook chapters are being reviewed by our media specialists. There are a few that I will need to send permission requests for they said because of the latest Supreme Court ruling on image use. We’re working with a proof reader- catching my typos lol.

I really wish I could be in the meeting today! I’d love to see everyone’s project- this has been such a wonderful experience for me. I feel more comfortable and confident about uses and creating OER than I did a year ago. I’m developing a two-part workshop for staff and faculty at ACM that will become part of our Faculty Teaching and Learning Community resources.

Please thank everyone for their kind suggestions and encouragement as we went along this past year. I have truly enjoyed working with everyone!
I’ll let you know when the link for the textbook goes live (August is the goal).

Take care

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I was hoping to sit into your session but I’m afraid I am travelling for a conference and will miss these celebrations — so sorry, but a hearty congratulations nonetheless for reaching this milestone!! :clap:t5::clap:t5:

Oh my goodness, Patsy! I am so sorry to hear this! I hope everything goes well. And please keep in touch!

