Project Archive: Information Literacy for Everyone

This is a snapshot of project information archived on 2 September 2022. Please contact the project team for most recent updates.
Information Literacy for Everyone
Subject: Museums, Libraries & Information Sciences
Book Language: English
Audience: library workers (specifically) and everyone (generally)
Created date: February 26, 2020
Updated date: September 17, 2021
Target Release Date: 2022-02-15
• I don’t know
Short Description:
Information overload. Fake news. The wild, wild west that is the Internet. Now more than ever, information literacy in the 21st century is a crucial life skill. Library workers are uniquely positioned to instill and foster the information literacy skill set. But we must first cultivate it ourselves. To this end, we, members of the Idaho library and education communities with backgrounds in public, academic, and special libraries, have embarked on this project to make understanding and teaching information literacy an accessible undertaking for library workers and patrons of varying backgrounds and specializations. We hope you will undertake this journey with us, and have fun doing it!

Finished OER will be published in GitHub.