Project Archive: Nursing Researchers

This is a snapshot of project information archived on 2 September 2022. Please contact the project team for most recent updates.
Nursing Researchers
Subject: Nursing
Book Language: English
Audience: Nursing research students at all levels
Video: What is Population Health? - YouTube
Created date: November 4, 2019
Updated date: February 26, 2022
Target Release Date: 2022-01-01
• Attribution
• Non-Commercial
• Contributors
Short Description:
The goal of this text is to provide support to nursing researchers at all levels. Nurses play an essential role in protecting the health of the public. Nursing research in obesity, HIV, folklore, health literacy surround the eradication of disease and improve the health of communities globally. Exploring hope in individuals that have experienced life-changing events can influence the quality of life considered by many Population Health Initiatives to be critical. Applying evidence by researchers opened a position in healthcare that needs to be occupied by nurses (Parkin, Embrey, & Hunter, 2003). The Inclusion of nursing research will identify how the burden and cost of health care affect everyone and will be lessened or removed. Waste in healthcare, defined as any task that adds a
to someone’s life without adding
will be reduced or eliminated. The self-reflection in each author’s work will provide the necessary support to future novice or expert nursing researchers.