About the Cohort

The inaugural cohort of the Textbook Success Program features 8 open publishing projects from multiple institutions across Canada and the USA. :books:

Take a look at the projects, teams, and participating institutions:


Okay, I’m dropping bakc in because my assorted other projects have wrapped up … trying to navigate all the new pages and formats. (I also jumped back into freecodecamp and seems a similar setup…) anyway, this post says there’s a reply but I can’t find one… and … what is the best way to get back to the overall topics list?

Hi Sue, hope you’re well! I see you’ve also posted in your project discussion space, reviving the thread, so I’ll follow-up there! :slight_smile:

Hello Apurva,

Looks exciting. I’m glad to participate. Mary Ann

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Hi Apurva, just to let you know, you’ve actually tagged my husband’s Rebus account rather than mine here :slight_smile: I’m @alexisclifton if folks want to get in touch.

woops. Just fixed that.

Thanks! He’s a nice guy and all, but probably not helpful in this particular arena. :grin:

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Love seeing OpenEd families!


Whoops! So sorry Alexis (and Scott). I’m surprised I hadn’t made the connection before! :smiley: Thanks @LeighKP for sorting that out!

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