@feb21-cohort - Hey everyone! As I’m looking ahead to our final check-in for the year, there are 2 questions where I’d love your input. Could you please take a moment to respond by the end of this week? Both polls are set to close automatically next Monday, so please do take a minute or two to respond!
Our next meeting is scheduled for December 7 at 10am ET, but the time may not be ideal for everyone. Can you let me know if you are available at these dates/times instead? If this works for at least 1 team member on each project, I will reschedule our meeting. If not, we’ll go ahead with our December 7 meeting at 10am ET.
December Availability: I’m available at these dates and times! Select all that apply.
Dec. 7 at 11am-12:30pm ET
Dec. 8 at 10am-11:30am ET
Dec. 14 at 10am-11:30am ET
Can you also let me know if your calendar invites are showing the accurate dates for our sessions? Many members have indicated some issues with the calendar invites, so if this is something that everyone is having trouble with, I may delete & resend all our invites.
Our next sessions are: December 7, January 11, and February 15.
Calendar Invites
Yes, my calendar invites are accurate.
No, my calendar shows me different dates!
Thanks for taking a moment to read this long message, and help me plan out a good final chat for 2021!
It looks like Dec. 7 at 11am ET works for at least one person on each team!
You should have received calendar invites for this session.
You should also have received calendar invitations for our sessions next year on January 11 and February 15 - from 10-11:30am ET. Please let me know if this looks okay, especially @misbell and @mcdougallc!
@jsheffield and @misbell Congrats on your initiative being highlighted in the OER Digest - FROM CONNECTICUT: As part of the University of New Haven’s Open Pedagogy Project, nine faculty members have been creating new course materials designed to foster exciting and engaging opportunities for students. The Open Pedagogy Project endeavors to empower faculty to design courses both for and with their students and help faculty members create resources they can use in the classroom and share with each other. In the rest of the article, they reflect on their work and on the impact they hope it has on students. Read More>>
Woohoo! The OER Digest has such a wide readership/audience, and I’m thrilled that more folks are hearing about your work!
Thanks Stacy for sharing with the group.
FYI - here’s a link to today’s edition and the archive of newsletters. The digest goes out fortnightly. I recommend signing up if you aren’t already on the list; it’s a great way to keep track of open ed news in US & Canada! You can also contribute stories, so if you have anything you want to share, this is a great channel to spread the word.
FORCE2021, a scholarly communications conference, is December 7-9 and free online. FORCE2021 Tickets | Eventbrite. I’ve never attended before but I’ve heard good things and thought others might be interested too.
The FORCE11 annual conference brings together a wide variety of stakeholders in the scholarly communication ecosystem for open discussions, on an even playing field, about collaboration and cross-training that will move the needle on how scholarly and scientific information is communicated, shared and used. Researchers, publishers, librarians, computer scientists, informaticians, funders, educators, students, citizens, and others attend the FORCE11 meeting with a view to supporting the realisation of promising new ideas and identifying new potential collaborators.
Who should attend? Researchers, publishers, librarians, computer scientists, informaticians, funders, educators, citizens, patients, and more from all sectors of the scholarly landscape.
Why FORCE2021? FORCE11 conferences are a place for all stakeholders to come to the table for open discussion and on an even playing field to support innovation and coordination across perspectives. It’s a time to create new partnerships/collaborations and support existing implementations of creative ideas.
Thanks for sharing! I’ve also never attended but have heard good things — nice to hear that this year’s conference is free and online. I’ll take a look at the program and see if I can attend.
Goals for next month: 1) I WILL have a complete draft of my article for the special issue Stacy is co-editing. So excited to turn it after finishing up the semester! 2) Accept next cohort for open pedagogy fellowship program
If you haven’t added your goals in for next month, please do so in this thread.
Most of all, I hope you all can get a bit of a break in the next week or so. Happy holidays for anyone celebrating a festival!! And happy new year to all — looking forward to reconnecting in 2022 (our next session is Jan. 11).
Congrats @kaitlin! I saw in the newsletter that you are the new Associate Program Manager at Rebus! And congrats to Rebus on such a wonderful hire! Thinking of all of you as we head into the new year.
Thank you, Stacy! And happy new year to everyone!! I’m very excited to welcome Kaitlin and Jördis to the Rebus team, and to know that both of them will be able to support you all in this year (and beyond!)
Hope you are all doing well — I’m very much looking forward to connecting next week!