I hope your April is going well. I’ve seen a lot of your project updates here on the forum and I’m really looking forward to touching base with each team this month to hear more!
@emily.frank sent out a revised zoom link for us last week, so we’ll be meeting there. Below are the times I’ll be meeting with your teams. As a reminder, sessions will be recorded, so if your schedule doesn’t allow you to join us, you’ll be able to catch up on the recording!
Finite Mathematics: 10:00-10:20am, Friday, April 28 Trigonometry: 10:20-10:40am, Friday, April 28 College Algebra: 10:40-11:00am, Friday, April 28 Applied Calculus: 11:00-11:20am, Friday, April 28 Statistics: 11:20-11:40am, Friday, April 28
Please bring any questions you might have and be prepared to set some goals for the upcoming month.
See you all later this week!
I hope you all had pleasant weekends and your countdowns to the end of the semester are set!
Thanks to all of those who were able to attend our 1:1 sessions last week. It was great to hear about your individual projects and how things are progressing along. It sounds like all teams are making fantastic progress, enjoying the collaborative process, and making space for your busy schedules! As always, if you didn’t get a chance to join in on the live sessions, the recordings are available.
One of the most common themes I heard from all groups were around the challenges around learning LaTeX. I will do my best this month to look into some more tips and tricks for LaTeX.
Next month when we meet as a group, I’d like teams to show off a chapter they’ve worked on. Please be prepared to show off a chapter and chat about some of the elements your teams have been working on. This can include videos, formatting, changing of problems and solutions, etc. You can discuss any challenges and successes, and elements of the chapter you’re most proud of.
If there are certain topics you’d like to revisit next month, please reply to this thread and let me know, so I can incorporate them into our session for May.
Enjoy your month ahead and I hope you all get a chance to catch your breath before the start of the summer semesters!