Phase 2: February 1:1 Check-In (October 2022 B Cohort)

Hey @oct22-b-cohort ,

I hope your February is going well. I’ve seen a lot of your project updates here on the forum and I’m really looking forward to touching base with each team this month to hear more!

I’ll be sending out Zoom links to your teams shortly but first wanted to confirm if the following dates and times still work for your teams:

Finite Mathematics: 10:00-10:20am, Friday, February 24
Trigonometry: 10:20-10:40am, Friday, February 24
Calculus: 10:40-11:00am, Friday, February 24
College Algebra: 11:00-11:20am, Friday, February 24

Introductory Statistics team, let me know what time works best for you all for your February 1:1 check ins.

Please confirm your time slot by February 21, 2023.

See you all later this month!


As of now that time works however, I have an out patient procedure that day and won’t know the time until Thursday. It is very minor so if it is early I can make it.

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I have classes Friday morning and afternoon until 2pm, so I won’t be able to make any Friday morning meetings. I think everyone knows that, so I’ll continue to watch the recorded meeting videos to keep up.

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I will be there at 10:00 for the Finite Math meeting.

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I will also be there for Finite Math

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Hey @oct22-b-cohort ,

Thanks to all of you who’ve confirmed your time. Introductory Statistics team: I have you down for 11:20-11:40 am on Friday, February 24, 2023.

These 1:1 sessions will be recorded, so if you are unable to attend the recording will be available to view. I’ll be sending out the links this afternoon.

See you on Friday! :slight_smile:

I could not make it to the 1:1 meetings on Friday. Where can I find the recordings?

Hey @oct22-b-cohort ,

Thanks to all who could attend our 1:1 sessions on Friday! Below are links to the recordings if you were unable to attend. If you have any trouble accessing them, please reach out.

Finite Mathematics


Applied Calculus

College Algebra

Introduction to Statistics

It’s great to see how your teams are progressing along! Most of you have a pretty solid idea of which existing OER you’ll be using, along with learning objectives, and a structure for your textbooks.

@jeusea Regarding your questions about the GNU license on the Trigonometry text, below are a couple of links that may help explain it a bit further.

  • GNU license vs. CC-BY-SA: while the two licenses are similar, a caveat with the GNU license is that any downstream users need to include a full copy of the license.
  • GNU: this page offers some more detailed guidance on what to do if you’re modifying content.
  • FAQ about GNU licenses

I’m looking forward to our next cohort meeting next month on Friday, March 24. Since your next milestone is to have one chapter draft loaded into Pressbooks, I thought our next session could be used as a show-and-tell/working session. Next month will be a great time to ask any questions that you may have, from uploading into Pressbooks to the actual writing/editing process, and we’ll reference back to our earlier sessions on Content Creation and Authoring & Editing Logistics.

I know the coming month will be busy, so please reach out anytime through email ( or via the Rebus forum (reply to this thread or DM me) if you have any questions.

Enjoy your month ahead and be sure to reach out should you have any questions or challenges pop up!


@kaitlin Thanks for the video! And thanks @rbroussard3 @ashley.segalla @tspahn and @jeusea for keeping me posted. I know that the Lippman Math in Society is available in Word, but I haven’t seen the Business Precal in Word. I may have overlooked it though.

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Thanks for the information about the GNU license.