Project Status Update - Applied Calculus

@karen.perilloux @James.Boffenmyer @jeusea I have finished cleaning up sections 2.6 and 2.7, but we still need to add some enhancements like learning objectives, a glossary, and H5P content (that’s later). I also made some edits to sections 2.1 and 2.2, but it took me a while to embed the videos because I had to manually download and upload each one. I didn’t find all videos in one place. Luckily all the images are also imported and automatically pointed to the press book.

Can we discuss which sections to keep from 2.8 to 2.11, as well as chapters 3 and 4? Personally, I suggest keeping sections 2.9 and 2.10 from chapter 2, and 3.1 to 3.6 from chapter 3. As for chapter 4, I don’t think we need anything from there. What do you think?

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Thanks Bimal. As for sections to keep (yes) and delete (no) here are my initial thoughts:
2.8 no
2.9 yes
2.10 no
2.11 yes

3.1 yes
3.2 yes
3.3 yes
3.4 yes
3.5 ? might be too advanced for this class
3.6 no
3.7 yes (Business applications)
3.8 no

Thank you, Karen, for your response. Depending on the amount of time left during the semester and the pace of the class, I decide which sections to cover for Chapters 2 and 3. In past semesters, I haven’t been able to cover all of the sections. I agree that we can skip Section 3.5.

I have imported both the Word and web versions of the sections for Chapter 3. David’s Word notes are organized as single documents for each chapter rather than individual sections.

@bkunwor @karen.perilloux - Last time I taught the course I taught Chapter 1 (1.1-1.8), Chapter 2 (2.1-2.7, 2.9, 2.11), and Chapter 3 (3.1-3.4, 3.7). I understand if we want to just focus on Chapter 2 and 3 to start and wait to do Chapter 1.
I also came across the text in a LibreText version (Applied Calculus (Calaway, Hoffman, and Lippman) - Mathematics LibreTexts). I am not sure if this would help with any editing. I know we just have so many ways for bringing in the content right now, but I figured I would share that.

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Jared, that is perfectly in line with the sections I suggested we skip. 2.8, 2.10, 3.5, 3.6, 3.8.

I will begin working on Section 3.1 since we seem to all agree that we will use it. I will do some work this weekend because I will be out of town next week.

Thank Karen for the update. I will wrap up editing 2.1 and 2.2.

Hello Team,
I am currently working on sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.6, 2.7, 2.9, and 2.11. So far, I have added learning objectives and incorporated H5P content. I have also utilized the built-in styles for takeaways and examples. Moving forward, I plan to add glossary items.

I have successfully added glossary items to one of the sections. Also, I have included h5p content at the end and learning objectives at the beginning of each section that I have worked on. Currently, I am working on sections 1.1 and 1.2.

I have been working on Chapter 3. I am basically cleaning up code and uploading videos by comparing the screens side by side. I’ve finished 3.1 and 3.2 and will wrap up 3.3 today and continue working until the end of the chapter. There were 2 cases where there was an applet in the old Business Calculus book and I don’t know how to fix it or even if it can be fixed. I also have a problem with the size of a video (it’s over 25 minutes long.)

Thank you for updating me on the project. Yesterday, I had a meeting with Emily and Elizabeth to discuss my trigonometry issues and we also talked about the applet. Elizabeth created an applet with one of the dummy Desmos exercises, and you can find the link here
It should work for GeoGebra exercises as well. However, when I tried accessing the applet inside the book, I received an IP address error. Are you also experiencing this issue with the applet inside the book? It seems that the video size is 26 MB, which exceeds the 24 MB limit for media uploads. I will try to reduce the file size and see if that resolves the issue.

@karen.perilloux Section 3.5 covers integration by parts. Based on the previous discussion, I believe we can skip this section as well as section 3.6. Also, I have already incorporated section 3.7.

Perfect. I was wrong and must have gotten the sections confused.
FYI: I couldn’t get in to the Business Calculus book this morning but now it is working again.

Also, Donna Densmore from Trig Cohort uploaded the intro video from section 3.3 to her vimeo account, and I embedded the link. It’s working now. I think we can keep it this way. yea, the book was not loading for me as well this morning.