Post anything that you would like to save to our forum that might help others! Websites, documents, whatever. Include a few words of explanation.
From today’s session (September 26th):
Creative Commons Attribution Guide (2).pdf (1.6 MB)
Free Design Resources SP2020.pdf (274.9 KB)
From our meeting on September 26th
(Thanks, @kundas /Sue!)
Creative Commons Kiwi
This 5 minute video is a good introduction to CC Licenses. Although it’s designed for a New Zealand audience, the information is relevant for anyone.
CC License Chooser
Use this site to choose a CC License for the work you create.
How To Give Attribution
This page on the CC website details how to create an attribution for any CC-licensed material (not your own) you use in your work.
Graphic Design and Copyright
Written for WOU graphic design students, this is a good primer for those interested in understanding copyright and CC licenses. It contains information about free-to-use images, including instructions for using Google and other open search engines to find CC-licensed images.
Adopting, Adapting, and Authoring OER: Copyright and CC Licenses At Work
This hour long webinar details everything you need to know about OER, copyright, and Creative Commons Licenses. The presenter is a well-known legal expert in the area of OER, copyright, and fair use.
Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for OER: A Guide for Authors, Adapters & Adopters of
Openly Licensed Teaching and Learning
The Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for OER is one of a number of “Codes of Best Practices in Fair Use” developed by a legal team at Washington University and elsewhere. The Code is a “tool for educators, librarians, and authors to evaluate common professional scenarios in which fair use can enable them to incorporate inserts, including those protected by copyright, to create OER.
What Does Fair Use Have To Do With OER?
This 50 minute webinar, presented by a well-known legal expert (and librarian) describes the Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for OER.
Statement on the Fair Use of Images For Teaching, Research, and Study
“This Statement on the Fair Use of Images for Teaching, Research, and Study describes six uses of copyrighted still images that the Visual Resources Association ( believes fall within the U.S. doctrine of fair use."
Code of Best Practices in Fair Use For the Visual Arts
This Code of Best Practices in Fair Use was specifically written for the Visual Arts, and is “based on a
consensus of professionals in the visual arts who use copyrighted images, texts,
and other materials in their creative and scholarly work and who, through
discussion groups, identified best practices for using such materials."
Image Tracking Spreadsheet
Use this spreadsheet to add copyright, CC license, location, author, etc. information for images used in your OER.
Author Guide and Style Sheet for EAPDK12T
Adapted from the Rebus Author Guide and Style Sheet Template.