Thursday is our last session of Phase 1. We will be wrapping up the curriculum and reflecting on the process, as well as previewing our Phase 2 monthly meetings.
The slides and handout are available for you to look at prior to the session, if you would like.
For the reflection activity, I’ll explain more during the session, but here are the instructions (and you’re certainly free to post those in between now and then, too):
Please find a picture that helps you articulate your learning experience around DEI in Phase 1. Post the picture to this thread (Session 12) in the Rebus Forum.
I found one with words that I liked as a start, but it felt incomplete, so then went the abstract route (I prefer not to use humans for representing DEI for the very reason that most images often present a limited view on what DEI can mean— often something/someone is/could be perceived as being left out).
There are so many photos of pro-immigrant rights protests so this may be a direction to go in. But I also want to challenge the “nation of immigrants” narrative and highlight indigenous perspectives, too, so I need to keep searching.
I like this one because it looks like public art or graffiti art. It’s not overly stylized and the message is simple. jon-tyson-Bgd9VsD9EvQ-unsplash.jpg
Thank you for sharing these images, as well as your thoughts, ideas, and hopes for your OER over the past 12 weeks.
Unfortunately, we couldn’t find a common time in the last survey for our Phase 2 meetings. I’ve added some new times, so please complete this survey as soon as possible. Once we have a time set, we can look at Manifold and Pressbooks demos for the first session of Phase 2.
We hope that as we worked through our intensive sessions in the last 12 weeks with you, the curriculum has helped you gain clarity on what open publishing entails and all the innovative possibilities it holds for your teaching practice. That being said, there’s still plenty to explore and learn over the coming 9 months as a community of practice, as we move into Phase 2 of the program.
This session saw us do a few different things. We revisited the key takeaways of TSP Phase 1, created spaces for reflection, clarified expectations for Phase 2, and did some goal setting work.
To prepare for our first cohort meeting in Phase 2, please review your goals and continue to work on your style sheets, sample chapters, or whatever else might be useful as a step in meeting your goals.