Session 12 Final Phase 1 Reflection Activity

Final Reflection Activity:
Visit one of the suggested open image repositories:

Openverse 1

Pexels 1

Unsplash 1

Find and download a picture that represents your learning experience around DEI in Phase 1.

Upload the picture to the Session 12 Final Phase 1 Reflection Activity thread in your cohort discussion space on the Rebus Forum.

Add a title and a brief description that tells us why you chose this image.

Review others’ posts.
I chose this image because it really takes a village to create an inclusive OER.

Diversity yo! It’s everywhere and it’s what we do. Let’s get it in our OERs to make sure our students’ and other identities and perspectives are represented <3

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Great image @lizalong . Here’s a link to 4 websites with diverse stock photos. Unsplash is one of my faves: 4 Websites for Diverse Stock Photos - Black Creative Group

this is my blooming garden … the stuff I learned is a lot and full of color and inspiration.

@barbsyrrakos9 I love this image, especially considering this lovely time of year. The beautiful mix of plants and flowers is a great metaphor for how diversity can make your OER shine.

@rebrivved thank you for sharing this great post! I have used essays from the Jopwell community in my English courses.