Recap 7/13 Meeting

This group has gotten to the part where they want to review the entire text. Splitting up the review of the textbook to read through for any mistakes in content and errors in the latex. They will also review the following:
• Review headings for accessibility – Will check with LOUIS on this. Can a Heading 2 be skipped over?
• Images for alt-text and captions (sequenced numbering of captions Figure #)
• Show Solutions – close them if they are open.
• Number Chapters and Sections in the Organize? Prerequisites start at Chapter 1.

Review parts:
• Jared – Chapter 1 Prerequisites; Chapter 3 Review and Chapter 3 Practice
• Cynthia – Chapter 2 Equations and Inequalities; 3.1, 3.2
• Prakash – Chapter 4 Linear Functions; 3.3, 3.4
• Ginny – Chapter 5 Polynomial and Rational Functions; 3.5, 3.6
• Karen – Chapter 6 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions; 3.7, 3.8

Talked briefly about the items currently in the Front and Back Matter. Will talk more about this next week.
I found out from LOUIS that the one requirement right now is the Adaptation page.

We discussed images being brought into the Media Library and filling in the Alt-Text, Caption, and Attributions.
• First importance is to make sure images are in the Media Library
• Will find out more information about file name, source URL, and attributions to share next meeting.

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@pghimire @csingl1001 @karen.perilloux @gbradley

Hold off on doing any of the image alt-text, titles, captions, attributions (author, source URL, and license) until I can get some clarification from Emily tomorrow about things.

You can make sure all your images from your Chapter is in the Media Library and wasn’t copied in from the source.

@pghimire @csingleton @karen.perilloux @jeusea ,
Team be sure to check the internal links on the Chapter Review Exercises. I found some that weren’t working properly. Also make sure exercises from the omitted sections are not included in the Review Exercises and Practice Exams.

FYI, I have completed the review of my sections.

@jeusea @gbradley @csingleton @karen.perilloux : I have completed the review of chapter 4- LInear Functions. Thank you for the excellent work, Ginny. Here are some edits that I made to this chapter:

Throughout the chapter:

  • There were some tables with full grid format and others without. All tables are now in full grid format.

  • There were some equations with center alignment and others in left/right alignments. All equations ( as appropriate) are in the center alignment.

  • There were some show solutions with code “open=open.” This issue has been fixed.

  • There were some equations with the ‘<’ latex code issue. This issue has been fixed. Latex ode for < symbol is \lt in case you need it.

Section specific:

Section 4.1 :

  • Latex code errors have been fixed in the Example: Finding the equation of a line and writing in the standard form

  • some figures in the section exercise section are not in the media library. I have not fixed this issue. Please let me know whether you want me to fix them or you will do it yourself.

Section 4.2:

  • The first paragraph after Figure 1 has changed to the left alignment format from the center alignment.

Section 4.3:

  • Section exercise numbering issue (after #30) has been fixed.

  • The “Math Processing error” in exercise #57 has been fixed.

Chapter Review Exercise:

  • Numbering issue ( after #31) has been fixed.

  • Even number problems have the show solution feature for the “Systems of Linear Equations: Two Variables.” section. I think this is not a big issue, so I have not done anything with this.

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Thank you for fixing those items. I have completed Section 4.1 with the additional images that weren’t in the media library.

Cynthia, @csingleton
I have finished my first review of Chapter 6 and these are the edits I made:

  • Introduction (deleted note in yellow highlight about footnote)
  • 6.1
    • Closed all show solution boxes by deleting open=“open”
    • Deleted “Details” dropdown on 529 plan example
    • Review all image attributions
  • 6.2
    • Replaced blurry image on Figure 1
    • Closed all show solution boxes by deleting open=“open”
    • Should the images in the exercises be labeled as figures?
  • 6.3
  • 6.4
    • Closed show solution boxes by deleting open=“open”
    • Inserted missing Figure 3, but the blue looks strange!
    • Fixed alt text and caption for Figure 6 (try it)
    • Many graphs were blurry and on custom size. Changed them to full size and they are clear.
    • Fixed font on 1st objective: Identify the domain of a logarithmic function and on Key Equations
    • Fixed bulleted list format
  • 6.5
    • Uploaded Figure 1 to media library and completed attributions
    • Closed show solution boxes by deleting open=“open”
    • Fixed Font for Header 1 first objective
  • 6.6
    • Closed show solution boxes by deleting open=“open”
  • 6.7
    • Closed show solution boxes by deleting open=“open”
  • Review exercise
    • Closed show solution boxes by deleting open=“open”
    • Uploaded 4 figures to pressbooks and completed attributions
    • #61 is in a separate answer box than its solution (not fixed)
  • Practice test
    • Closed show solution boxes by deleting open=“open”
    • Uploaded 5 figures to pressbooks and completed attributions

I will do another review and focus on the content more this time, along with the items listed above that I didn’t finish yet.

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@karen.perilloux Hi Karen,

In 6.4, you wrote, Many graphs were blurry and on custom size. I changed them to full size and they are clear.

I dragged the graph and expand it. or Go to the Media Library, find the graph, click on Edit image, and change the size. Is there something that says, change to standard size?

Don’t even bother to change the size of the graphs unless they are already uploaded in the OpenStax library. Once the images are re-uploaded, the original will have to be deleted and the new image inserted in its place. Then if you want to change the size, it’s easy to click on the “Edit” pencil and choose the size there. I don’t use custom size, that usually looks blurry.

Hi Karen,

Thank you.
I completed the Media Attributions with corrections to the size of the graphs.
I will make corrections to some of the inequalities symbols.
Let me know if you see something else.
Great Job!

@gbradley, @pghimire, @karen.perilloux, @jeusea Hi Team,

Here is my review.

I checked Objectives, Header 1s (H1s), Key Concepts, Section Exercises, Glossaries, latex errors, and links in Media Attributions for Chapter 2 Equations and Inequations, 3.1 and 3.2.


Fixed purple box: Solving an Equation Algebraically When the Variable Appears on Both Sides Solving** (texts were not aligned within the purple box)

Fixed purple box: Solving a Rational Equation (texts were not aligned within the purple box)


Added Media Attribution to Figure 3.


The following objective is unclear or written in Bloom’s Taxonomy format.

Suggestion: Change the objective from Completing the Square to Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Square.

If you change H1, add it to the Summary of Adaptations.


Added Media Attribution to Figure 3

Fixed purple box: Solving a Radical Equations Containing Two Variables (texts were not aligned within the purple box)


Fixed purple box: Solving an Inequality Algebraically (texts were not aligned within the purple box)

Fixed purple box: Solving an Inequality with Fractions (texts were not aligned within the purple box)

Fixed purple box: Solving a Compound Inequality (texts were not aligned within the purple box)

In the Media Attribution, Exercise 43 links were the same for ATTRIBUTIONS Source and Author URLs. The links were corrected.

Fixed purple box: Using a Graphical Approach to Solve Absolute Value Inequalities (texts were not aligned within the purple box)


Graphs were the same for Figure Try It and Figure Try It-1. Figure Try It was corrected.


The following was corrected in the Media Attribution.

Figure 5 and Figure Exercise 41, the ATTRIBUTIONS Source URLs were incorrect. The links are correct.

There were two (2) 3.2 Figures 55’s. I changed 3.2 Figure 55 to Figure 56 and added the correct ATTRIBUTIONS Source URL.

This is the 1st draft of the review. Please let me know if you have any questions.

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@karen.perilloux @gbradley @pghimire @csingleton

Thank you all for your editing reviews of the pressbook!

@gbradley: I reviewed H5P’s for Chapter 2, 3.1, and 3.2 in Pressbooks.

There are two possible solution errors. The section is 2.5 Other Types of Equations.

  1. To find the least common denominator for the rational equation, you’ll want to first factor the denominators and then determine the least common multiple of these factors.

Given the equation: (x+2)/(x-6) = (x-1)/(x+2) + 1/(x^2-4x-12)

Let’s factor the denominators:

  1. x^2 - 4x - 12 factors into (x-6)(x+2).
  2. The denominator (x-6) in the first fraction is already factored.
  3. The denominator (x+2) in the second fraction is already factored.

So, the least common denominator (LCD) is the least common multiple of these factors, which are (x-6) and (x+2). Therefore, the LCD is (x-6)(x+2).

My answer: LCD is (x-6)(x+2
Your answer: (x+6)(x-2)
Can you please check again?

  1. Solve (x+1)^(2/3) = 4

I solved the problem. My answer is x = 7.

Your answer is x = 17.

Please check the answer for typos.

H5P problems look great. Some problems showed step-by-step solutions (excellent work)!

Best wishes,

C. Singleton

Corrections made. Thanks

Since you have spent so much time in Moodle, I have reviewed Chapter 1 Prequisities. Chapter 3 Review and Chapter 3 Practice is done as well.

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