Starting to Edit: OpenStax Prerequisite

@gbradley : I just went through the 1.1. I noticed that you embedded videos related to the last four objectives. I liked the idea of adding at least one video for each objective. I also saw that you added H5P content related to the second objective. It looks like we still need to fix some of the LATEX, FIGURE, and TABLE issues. I am not an expert on latex, but I can still fix these latex issues. Maybe, we need help with tables and figures from LOUIS/Pressbook. I tried to fix a latex issue with the expression { …-3,-2,-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, …} right after the 2nd paragraph in section 1.1. The first expression is my version, and the second is the original one.

I liked the way you used the Plan OER Structure Part 1C: Model Chapter model to edit/develop section 1.1. Maybe, we can now complete the Prerequisite Chapter by editing/adding other sections.

@gbradley and @karen.perilloux: In my opinion, it would be better if we first fully complete one chapter ( maybe the prerequisite chapter), and after that, each of us can work individually on one or two chapters.